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My Personal Portfolio

I'm a new developer with experience using full stack technologies including :

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Flatiron Hub

React application for Flatiron students to use. Uses React with Hooks and Context for state management. The application has 4 main components. The Chat uses ChatEngine as a rest API to create a chat room. The Games and Learn components, both use external or self hosted APIs. The VideoChat component using PeerJs a WebRTC wrapper to create a peer to peer connection between two users.

  • React
  • Firebase


An application built with a React frontend, Ruby on Rails backend API and a PostgreSQL database. This app allows users to create and account and sign in to the site, sessions are stores in cookies. Once signed in to the app, users can review Fantasy Sports sites, or create a forum thread to discuss any topic. Authorized site admins can delete users and forum threads.

  • React
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Active Record


This application was built using a React frontend with a Ruby on Rails backend. The purpose of devsConnect is to serve as a platform for web developers to share interesting and useful programming content. From 'My Feed', the user can view posts from all others users. From 'My Page' update their account information such as Github and LinkedIn, or create a new post.

  • React
  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • Actove Record

Subscription Tracker

A simple subscription tracker that allows a user to add track their current subscriptions. Data is stored in a Google Firebase Database to for persistance. Users are able to add, edit and delete subscriptions. The site is deployed with Firebase as well.

  • React
  • Firebase


I've worked with a range of technologies used to build full stack applications

  • Front-End

    Experience with
    React.js and JavaScript

  • Back-End

    Experience with
    Ruby on Rails and Active Record

  • Databases

    Experience with

About Me

Hey there! I'm an aspiring software developer from Richmond, VA with experience building full stack applications. Most of my apps consist of a React frontend with a Ruby on Rails backend, but I love learning new languages to expect consistent updates! You can check out some of my work down below, feel free to drop me a message if you'd like to work together!

Give me a shout if you're interested!